There are four days of celebration in traditional Pakistani weddings. On the first day, the bride and the groom’s families dress in yellow. Each family celebrates the marriage. The couple is not allowed to see each on the first and second day of celebration. The groom and bride will see each other only on the wedding day. On the second day, a Mendi celebration is held and they will sing and dance ancient songs. This is the day the groom’s family will deliver the wedding dress to the bride’s family and the bride’s family will deliver the groom’s attire. On the third day, the wedding ceremony occurs. The bride and groom wear red clothes. The bride wears jewelry and a veil, while her groom wears a turban. The Koran is held over the bride’s head as a symbol of her joining her husband’s family. This is done after the exchanging of vows. The couple hosts a dinner on the fourth day of celebration. Guests are invited to the groom’s house for a feast.