• Reception Ideas

Budget Tips For Your Wedding Reception

Wedding receptions are expensive affairs and can set you back a pretty penny. However, most brides have their heart set on an all out wedding reception. Here are some ways to cut back the costs, without compromising on the quality of the wedding reception. Alcohol is probably the largest expense at any wedding reception. There […]

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Selecting Wedding Centerpieces

Wedding centerpieces help tie together the look of your entire table setting. The wedding centerpieces will affect the linens you choose, the size of the tables and even the number of guests you seat on each table. It is important to discuss beforehand with your decorator and caterer the wedding centerpiece options available to you. […]

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12 Ways to Give Your Wedding Reception a Stellar Touch

The rich and famous aren’t the only ones who can create a breath taking wedding reception. Here are some simple and not-so-simple things some famous couples did to make their wedding reception stellar! Announce your entrance to the reception hall with a blast of trumpets. Entertain guests with live music; violinists, string quartet, flutists. Stars […]

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